Again to make this blog more interesting and not flat i'm starting a new series. It'll be called Get The Look. I would feature looks from popular designers/brands and then would try to redo it using items from ukay ukays! I hope this would inspire you to create your own designer looks!Its fun and exciting! We'll start this series with JUNYA WATANABE S2010...

White Shirt
Checked Jacket
Cropped Jeans
White Shoes

White Shirt - Thrifted (Php 35.00)
Checked Blazer - Thrifted (Php 35.00)
Cropped Jeans
White Shoes
TOTAL LOOK: Php 70.00!
(jeans & shoes not included)
* As much as i want to only use ukay items for the entire look i also need to use my regular clothes to make it easier and realistic. I would indicate if its from ukay ukay or not.